Video & Articles
This package is the culmination of over 8 years of refining the idea of the 5 Social Figures of Argentine Tango. You’ll ask, gosh Miles, what are the 5 Social Figures ?
1.) The 6 Ways of Walking.
2.) The 8 Types of Ochos.
3.) The 8 Types of Turns.
4.) The 256 Types of Argentine Crosses. Yes there are 256! and
5.) The Ocho Cortado (Linear and Circular).
These are the 5 Social Figures of Argentine Tango, if you know these things in all of their possibilities, tango becomes a much smaller subset of dancing, that allows you to focus on the music and not the vocabulary of the dance. However, failure to fully understand these 5 Social Figures and how to play with them, then your dancing becomes a fog of choices and muddy, haphazard inspiration which no one wants to dance with or be part of.
Where people tend to get tripped up is thinking that they understand X of their vocabulary when in reality they don’t. They forget what they can do with it or need reminders. Further they fail to grasp that making a small change to their usual this or that can have a massive impact on how they express the music.
This package does NOT go over the music component of how to express the dance. For that you can see a method that I show in this video series on my youtube channel. It’s called the 5 Pause Types.
I should point out that this video and article series does NOT go over the technique in all of these figures. But rather the high-level of what you can do with it. For the nuts and bolts of how something works and why it works, I have a slew of vidoes on these topics that can be purchased via the library or by request. Also it should be noted that when you buy this package, you hare buying not just access to the video, but the article which acts as a complimentary piece to the video to give you a bit more insight as to what’s going on and what to look for for each role.
What’s typical to most videos is that we focus more on the Lead’s side of things, and not so much on the Follower’s side of things. Some of the videos fall into this category and some do not. The articles go over both roles in detail. That’s what you’re paying for really, the articles!
Lastly, there is also a Follower’s Technique Package that has over 35 videos that goes over every aspect of what you need to work on in order to achieve what these videos are on about.